Sam’s 1:1 coaching is hands down the best thing I have ever done for myself. Before I started working with Sam I was kind of lost in the nutrition and fitness world. I was doing all the cardio and skipping all the meals and was not seeing any results on the scale or in the way my clothes fit. Sam’s workouts are challenging but not defeating and her approach to nutrition is empowering and not restrictive. Through the program, I kept telling her it was ‘magic’ because I wasn’t hungry and kept seeing results. I wish every woman, every mom, could go through this program and find the freedom and self-discipline I didn’t think was possible.
— Alissa Sauer
I recommend Core Fit to everyone! If you need a workout program that you can do from home....this is it! I absolutely love having countless workouts that I can do on my own time, whenever I want, wherever I want. These workouts are not intimidating at just 20 minutes per workout, but you absolutely feel like you got a full workout in. Having access to new workouts each week plus access to a workout video vault is amazing. I have not found this with any other program I’ve tried. The workouts paired with the support from the coaches and other participants is unmatched. I highly encourage you to try Core Fit. You won’t be disappointed!
— Hannah Patterson
I had such a great experience with Sam and the 90 day program! I feel like I finally have food freedom to eat things I love and enjoy life, but have also managed to lose over 10 lbs in 3 months and starting to see some real muscle definition. I have always been good at keeping a workout schedule but was stuck in a rut b/c I was not seeing the changes I wanted & genuinely had no idea what I was doing wrong for YEARS. Sam taught me to make small adjustments in my eating habits and workout regiment, and its incredible the difference it has made. She is super sweet and always follows up with tips and info along the way too so you don’t feel like you’re drowning. Definitely recommend working with Sam and finding out what you might need help with!
— Alex Burns
For many years I have worked out and tried to eat relatively healthy. In three months of working with core fit I reached goals I was never able to attain on my own. Sam
gave great nutrition advice which was very easy to implement. Her workouts were quick but super effective! I used to spend double the amount of time in the gym thinking I was doing well but not getting the same results. I find her program one that not only can get you quick results but you can stick with and turn to a lifestyle. Sam works so hard and will push you but in the best way where you want to do good! Couldn’t recommend Sam and her program enough!
— George Slavik
Couldn’t recommend Sam and her Core Fit team enough. The skills you learn in her program make it easy to make this a lifestyle! Her post pregnancy workouts are perfect to gently ease you back into working out. Her workouts are quick, just about the time it would take to drive to the gym. Her Macro’s plan actually added carbs to my diet, which is always a plus and I still lost weight! Sam really makes you feel comfortable and she knows how to push you to reach all of your goals. She lives by this program and her enthusiasm is contagious! She makes you just want to keep going and going!
— Erin Slavik
FRIENDS! Warning to shameless plug ahead: I want to give a HUGE THANKS to the BOGA crew at Core Fit. Sam and her amazing team of certified trainers have changed my life in more ways than I can count. The mixture of HIIT, weight training, yoga, AND mindset therapy have allowed me to overcome some of my biggest blockers in my fitness and wellness journey. I’ve been doing BOGA for close to a year now and have seen and felt immeasurable differences in my overall strength of body and mind. These 20 minute VIRTUAL workout classes can be done from ANYWHERE, so there is literally zero excuse to not do it. Not only has it mixed up my fitness routine, but it has opened up a door to an amazing community of women who genuinely want to see you THRIVE. Next BOGA program starts in a week and I highly recommend you checking it out at if you are tired of feeling stuck in your fitness and wellness journey. ALL MY LOVE to @corefitfix @daniellenicoleyoga and @srhupp - keep kicking our have a forever follower here 🥰 #corefitfix
— Kara MacDonald
In a little less than three months I have gotten so much stronger and am so motivated. This is all because of Sam. She worked with me in putting together a workout plan based on my physical limitations due to an injury.
She also helped me figure out the amount of macros I should be consuming daily - not all calories are created equal.
Don’t hesitate to reach out to Sam. I am so thankful that my daughter recommended I call her. It was the best decision I have ever made.
— Sharon Banelli
What an awesome community with amazing workouts. I loved being able to join a super inspiring zoom call and being able to reach out with questions and get immediate answers. I also loved the macro counting that was done for me. It is SO helpful to gauge where I was in my nutrition. I highly recommend ❤️❤️
— Hayley kane
I just had to share this with you! I am now down 12 pounds and check out my labs! Cholesterol dropped from 250 to 197 in six months!!!

I cannot thank you enough for helping me become a healthier, better version of myself 😊
I had the opportunity to train with Sam in-person two years ago, and she got me physically stronger while I trained for a marathon. After we moved away, I hadn’t had much luck finding a program I enjoyed. I found out through a friend that Sam was offering virtual sessions to be done at any time convenient for you and signed up for BOGA immediately. It has been a great way to keep fit during Covid, and the trainers she has hosting classes with her are so great. I love her bonus workouts that post throughout the week, and she makes the quick 20 minute sessions with her count. They are doable, easily modified if you are a newbie, and they make you SWEAT! I also utilize her Macro-counting nutrition program. I’ve been able to reduce unhealthy cravings and eat all foods in moderation. Highly recommend you check out BOGA! We are a super supportive group.
— Patti Cross
I discovered Core Fit quite by accident and I loved it from the first minute! Sam is caring, compassionate, knowledgeable, and truly wants me to succeed. The BOGA program is the perfect combination of strength, cardio, and flexibility! Danielle and Sidney are also incredibly talented instructors, who take the time to show the moves and are continually encouraging during the workouts. They know just what to say when I think I’m about ready to give up and they get me back on track. The participants in the group are friendly and encouraging. This program and these women are exactly what I need in my life now. I feel stronger and more confident. I’m seeing success and watching my body change in the right ways. This makes me want to show up and put in the work! Sign up now ... you will not regret it! Thanks Sam, Danielle, and Sidney!!
— Molly Evans
BOGA was exactly what I needed to get back into rhythm with a workout routine. The value of the program is incredible. There are daily updates, video calls, open question forums, bonus workouts, nutrition insight and a positive community full of support. Can’t say enough good things about it and for the price you can’t beat the value.
— Lindsey Westwood
I can’t say enough good things about Sam and her mission with core fit! She’s an inspiration as well as the whole boga team! If you haven’t given boga a chance yet do it! You won’t regret it! Love that the workouts are short but they kick your butt in all the right ways! It’s been such a fun uplifting and motivating community of women!! I love that if you ever have any questions Sam is more than happy to jump on and answer them in lives! I love the extra bonus challenges she gives us. I went into boga for the first time last year with the mindset of wanting to lose weight like most of us, but I’m so thankful for the knowledge I’ve gained. It’s really changed my mindset (sams huge with this!) there are so many factors to consider and sams breaks them all down to help you succeed! She pushes you to be a better version of yourself and for that I’m incredibly thankful I’ve found her and the whole boga team! It’s a fierce trio of strong kick ass women!
— Christa Tomplait
I have struggled with my weight and emotional eating most of my adult life. Getting healthy has been on my to-do list for decades, but I have put it off. It seemed too hard and too unattainable. I half-hardheartedly tried Weight Watchers, worked with a personal trainer and attempted clean eating. I could sort of shrug it off with excuses until my yearly lab work revealed elevated cholesterol levels and my doctor’s warning that I was headed for medication. I knew I had to make a change - no more excuse. I reached out to Sam for a 1:1 at the end of March. We started meeting weekly in April and from there, I started tracking my food and working out. It’s now June and I am happy to report that I have broken the bonds of emotional eating! Instead, I eat to fuel my body. Such a difference. I also workout 3-4 times a week. When I first started, I was so out of shape that I felt nauseous during workouts. Now, I can crank them out and my goal is to keep pace with Sam (good to have goals). I have never felt so strong and in control. Sam’s approach to health was so doable for me - we eased into it with attainable goals - small changes that didn’t feel overwhelming or impossible. Sam has the unique ability to motivate, encourage and make you feel like a rock star, all the while holding you accountable. Thanks so much, Sam (Core Fit)!!!!
I had never done an online program like this before, LET ALONE at the gym! I can’t recommend this program enough! Speaking as a “newbie”, I found the workouts easy to follow, yet challenging enough to see results. Same with the yoga..... and the’s magic! Sam and Danielle were in regular contact with me, answering my questions, encouraging me. I think I appreciate the holistic approach the most. Diet and mindset are VERY much a part of this program. JUST DO regrets!
— Liz Plummer
I’ve done CORE FIT BOGA workouts for 5 of the last 6 months and I’ve loved it. Having short but hard workouts complemented by great yoga sessions to do at my convenience is a game changer. The accountability and encouragement provided by both coaches/trainers makes it absolutely worth it. You get more than just the workouts-it includes community, mental health, questions answered, trainer/coach available almost always to help, and loads more. I feel stronger, confident, and look forward to the content Sam and Danielle put up in the private groups. I’d 100% recommend!
— Diana Eshelman
Ladies, I have to brag about how amazing Samantha and Danielle virtual BOGA Bootcamp is!! I have never been one to go to a gym let alone workout but with the quarantine I was on a downward spiral & food was my go to. I wasn’t feeling myself, didn’t love my body or my eating habits. I’ve tried fad diets, lost weight, gained more weight, couldn’t even do one push-up without modifications (how embarrassing that my mom challenged me and I couldn’t even do one). Enough was enough, I knew it was time time to start investing in myself and loving the skin I’m in. I’ve loved everything about this bootcamp, less than 25 minute boot camps (strength training, weights cardio) and yoga, even better I can complete it on my own time and a built in support system of spouses cheering each other on. I’ve also lost inches, a lbs, successfully done yoga poses I’ve never imagined I was capable of, gained strength-and can even do 10 unmodified push ups now- all in 4 weeks! The next round of BOGA begins June 6th, come join us!! You will not regret it!! Let me know if you would like to join or visit either Sam or Danielles Facebook page! 😁💪🏋️‍♀️🧘🏼
— Lauren Noll
If anyone is even thinking about starting one on one coaching (or working with her period) with Sam, do it! Honestly, I satrted my coaching during this pandemic and I’ve been losing weight. I jumped on the opportunity now that I was working from home and not spending my money on other things like getting my hair done, coffee runs, going out to eat etc., so I had np excise...I had to focus back on myself! You guys, if you’re on the fence do it! I promise you will thank me later. I’ve known Sam for years and she is so dedicated to helping her clients. Her passion for your health and getting you to your goals rings through during every phone call!
— Jennifer
Sam, you are so amazing. This program has helped me gain so much more than losing pounds. I’ve gained confidence, a healthier relationship with food, and a great group of people who are supporters of my goals and dreams. I’ve lost self-doubt and am down over 20 pounds from where I started a year ago, not to mention the inches I’ve lost! If you want something that works, talk to Sam!
From the moment I met Sam she made me feel welcomed and motivated. I was afraid to start my fitness journey because I had been so out of shape for so long, but Sam talked with me online explaining the steps we would take to get started which made me more comfortable.

She worked with my budget and helped me to figure out a good meal plan for my hectic life. I started working one on one with Sam in October of 2016 by March of 2017 I had lost 30 pounds and went from a size 16 to a 10. If your looking for a trainer who truly cares and takes the time to get to know you your in the right place. Sam helped me lose weight, gain confidence, and become a less stressed woman. If she wasn’t across the country from me I would still be taking her classes and personal training sessions!
— Chelsey Hilburn-Ochoa
This (Core Fit Holiday Hustle) was probably the best workout setup hands down. Barring crazy things like my moving lol, 20 minutes is very doable. Please please please do this next year! One thing (not sure how this happened lol) but I lost 5 pounds during this month as well.
— Christina Alexa Gatti
I cannot recommend CORE FIT enough! Typically, I do at-home workouts or cardio on the treadmill/elliptical. But, Samantha’s workouts had me working muscles I didn’t know I had and increasing my endurance each and every bootcamp class. She’s super motivating, encouraging, and she really knows her stuff and loves to share her knowledge with you so you can become stronger both mentally and physically! I love being a part of this CORE FIT community!
— Carrie Ashley
Sam is fantastic! I’ve been so out of shape for so long and she was great at adding modifiers for me and other ladies when we needed them. She is super understanding and truly cares about helping you learn to enjoy working out and learning to do things correctly. You definitely can’t beat the price for her program. I just wish I would be here longer to do another round!
— Meghan Adree Sturges
I really love Samantha as a trainer! I have tried both her group fitness classes and personal training; the workout are challenging, but she is a great motivator and I always leave feeling like I got a good workout in. I have four kids and it has taken a toll on my body, so I did a lot of looking around after having having my last baby because I was ready to get fit again and I just really loved what Samantha had to offer Moms like me. Not only is she affordable, but she offers childcare! I am excited to be working out again and becoming a happier and healthier person. I definitely recommend Core Fit!
— Suzy Romo Robinson
Sam and the Core Fit community are amazing! I love having workout videos to look forward to and hold me accountable. Sam’s workouts are challenging, yet efficient/quick and EFFECTIVE. I have also started incorporating more yoga into my routine via BOGA and I can feel a difference in my movement and flexibility... And I owe it 💯 to the BOGA program!!

The awesome group of women that you get access to through any of the programs is amazing!!
— Stephanie Romo
I Love her workouts!! I was so worried the first time I tried but with Sam she explains everything. If you are older like me you can modify some of the moves and still get a great workout!
— Peggy Faulkner
Just finished Sam and Danielle’s Holiday Hustle and it was legit AWESOME! It kept me motivated all December long! They do a great job holding everyone accountable and I love how they do the workouts right along side us each and every day!
— Nashelle Tilbury
I highly recommend Samantha as a trainer. Before I started working with Samantha, I was unable to complete a mile while running. I’ve done spin classes for years, but that workout left me lacking in so many other fitness areas. Samantha worked with me and, before long, I was able to run that mile and much more. Samantha’s whole body approach, with a focus on core strength, guarantees that you leave a workout with her feeling stronger and accomplished. I also find her to be great company and very approachable to ask any fitness question that I may have. Highly recommend!
— Meaghan Pincket Decker
Samantha is a consistent and inspiring trainer who brings new challenges and variety to our weekly one-hour class, achieving the ultimate full body workout. Her enthusiasm is contagious and her positive attitude pushes everyone beyond their personal best on every occasion.
— Aaron Pecoraro
I’m so sore right now! I never knew my core was so weak before I started this class. Actually, Sam’s workouts are unique, challenging and get results. I am in the best shape of my life because her workouts are fun and encourage me to keep working out for the rest of the week. Side note, she is a little evil. Beware.
— Spencer Piland
Samantha always brings new and unique ideas to workouts, making sure no work outs are the same. Her ability to motivate others in a positive manner makes the class an amazing experience.
— Rolen Le
Sam is the best trainer I’ve worked with. She designs new full body routines each week, and pushes you to work harder than you ever would by yourself. I would highly recommend her to anyone who is looking to get in shape.
— Jesse Samuelson
Sam has been a huge help in keeping me fit. In 2012 she designed a customized training plan that got me ready for a half marathon in less than 2 months. I finished the half marathon in under 2 hours and felt amazing! Additionally, I have trained arms, abs, lower body and cardio with Sam every week for the past year and a half. She has been such a help in getting me and keeping me in shape. I have seen drastic improvements in muscle definition and cardio endurance. Her total body training sessions are tough and you will definitely work up a sweat, but the variety she offers make your workout fun too. Don’t be surprised if you are a little sore for a few days after!
— Serena Mendis
I reached out to Samantha remotely, from DC, for a few challenging routines to add to my typical workouts during the week. I have always worked out consistently, but with my wedding 2 months away I figure there is no time like the preesnt. I find it difficult to target those “hard to reach” areas without spending tons of time in the gym. I was a catcher in high school, and since then I’ve found it increasingly difficult to keep my *butt* in check. Within 24 hrs, I had the routines in my inbox, perfectly named “Leah’s Bootyful Wedding Workout” - LOL! Samantha was available for my questions (there were a few) about form and the correct weights to use that day as I did the workout. She is knowledgeable, attentive, and has a genuine interest in her clients needs...and I already feel the results today as I’m sore in places I didn’t realize exist! Highly recommend Samantha!!
— Leah Fernandez