Samantha is a CoreFit 1-on-1 Coach holding several National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) certifications including Personal Training, Corrective Exercise, Pre- and Post-Natal, and is a Fitness Nutrition Specialist. Sam is an entrepreneur, loving wife, and mother of two beautiful daughters that keep her very busy! For over ten years she has helped hundreds of clients achieve their fitness and nutrition goals. She has an insatiable desire to help all women strengthen their body and mindset through custom-tailored fitness programs and true accountability giving you the skillset and mindset for enduring change. Sam’s drive to assist others originates from her personal journey obtaining clarity and confidence through fitness, positively effecting her personal and professional life. She is dedicated to transform her clients physically and mentally to live fully, confidently, and thrive in all aspects of life


Sidney is a military spouse and a mama of three. She works from home while also homeschooling her babes and she is on a mission to promote holistic health in her home. Sidney has a background in collegiate softball where she learned that with hard work, dedication and discipline the sky is your limit. She is a Certified Personal Trainer with National Academy of Sports Medicine and holds additional certifications in Group Fitness and is a Weight Loss Specialist. Sidney loves her CoreFit community and believes that real change can happen here starting from the inside out.


Danielle is a CoreFit 1-on-1 Coach and a National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) Certified Personal Trainer. Additionally, she holds certifications covering 200HR Certified Yoga, Barre Fit, and SoulBody Barre Instructor and Arbonne Consultant. Danielle is a proud Marine Corps spouse and is a busy mother of two beautiful girls. She finds her passion in helping others on their health journey, no matter where they are starting from. Out of her own admission, yoga and fitness have transformed her life not only physically, but mentally and spiritually. Through accountability through a positive community, Danielle strives to encourage and inspire others to take time to work on themselves. She believes every individual, when operating at their best, is positioned to care for their family and accomplish any goal set in life. After all, life it too short!


Morgan is a CoreFit coach and a National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) certified personal trainer. She is a proud Marine spouse and a mother of three daughters. Originally from Virginia, Morgan and her family currently reside in California. Morgan’s fitness journey has just begun after working to bounce back after recently giving birth to twins! Out of her own admission, she knows what it feels like to be stuck. To feel like you’re doing everything you can but not get where you aim to be. Her calling is to assist others break through stagnation and achieve their fitness goals through accountability and one-on-one assistance. Finding what you enjoy and what works for you is key to a living a sustainable healthy lifestyle. In her own words: “If I can do it, you absolutely can and I’m here to support you every step of he way!”


Julie is a Marine Corps spouse, mom of two, and an entrepreneur with a passion for helping women feel their best! Despite being a lifelong health and fitness enthusiast, Julie always struggled with anxiety around her nutrition and building strength. It’s been a long journey, but she has finally found peace with food, and is the strongest she’s ever been without spending hours in the gym. She knows many others struggle in the same ways. Her goal is to help women find joy in healthy living and learn to love and appreciate their bodies along the way. Julie is a Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutrition Coach, and holds the Lifestyle & Wellness Certificate from the Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona.


Emily is a CoreFit Coach, proud Marine wife for over 11 years, and stepmother of a lovely teenage girl and mother of three adventurous little boys! Originally from California, Emily and her family currently reside in Hawaii. The beach and mountains are their happy place; the entire gang stays active with outdoor activities: hiking, biking, surfing, paddleboarding, and playing at the beach. She loves a good cup of coffee or a glass a wine and firmly believes they always taste better with a friend. After giving birth to a premature baby boy in 2017, Emily needed a postnatal fitness solution that fit her hectic schedule and enabled her to take care of her baby. She found creative at home solutions that gave results and never looked back! For over five years Emily has coached many women in their own fitness and health journey and is a mainstay within CoreFit programs. She is extremely passionate about helping other woman break through barriers in life to achieve their own goals. She looks forward to working with you through any of life’s challenges to help you reach your personal goal!